How to Write Special Symbols on a Keyboard

In today’s digital age, typing special characters on the keyboard is often essential, whether for work, study, or personal use. You might have wondered how to type characters such as @, #, or €. This article provides a detailed guide on how to easily type various special characters on your keyboard using the Alt key and numeric codes.

Below, you’ll find a table that not only lists the characters and their Alt codes but also includes search phrases to help you quickly find the correct code. This way, you can easily type any special character you need. This handy tool will save you time and improve your efficiency when working with text. Of course, we recommend using our service on the main page, which is faster, more convenient, and requires no memorization.

Search PhraseSearch Phrase (Words)CharacterAlt Code
How to type @ on the keyboardHow to type at sign on keyboard  @Alt + 64
How to type # on the keyboardHow to type hash sign on keyboard  #Alt + 35
How to type $ on the keyboardHow to type dollar sign on keyboard  $Alt + 36
How to type % on the keyboardHow to type percent sign on keyboard  %Alt + 37
How to type ^ on the keyboardHow to type caret on keyboard  ^Alt + 94
How to type & on the keyboardHow to type ampersand on keyboard  &Alt + 38
How to type * on the keyboardHow to type asterisk on keyboard  *Alt + 42
How to type ( on the keyboardHow to type opening parenthesis on keyboard  (Alt + 40
How to type ) on the keyboardHow to type closing parenthesis on keyboard  )Alt + 41
How to type _ on the keyboardHow to type underscore on keyboard  _Alt + 95
How to type + on the keyboardHow to type plus sign on keyboard  +Alt + 43
How to type = on the keyboardHow to type equal sign on keyboard  =Alt + 61
How to type { on the keyboardHow to type opening curly brace on keyboard  {Alt + 123
How to type } on the keyboardHow to type closing curly brace on keyboard  }Alt + 125
How to type [ on the keyboardHow to type opening square bracket on keyboard  [Alt + 91
How to type ] on the keyboardHow to type closing square bracket on keyboard  ]Alt + 93
How to type \ on the keyboardHow to type backslash on keyboard  \Alt + 92
How to type : on the keyboardHow to type colon on keyboard  :Alt + 58
How to type ; on the keyboardHow to type semicolon on keyboard  ;Alt + 59
How to type ” on the keyboardHow to type opening quotation mark on keyboard  Alt + 34
How to type ‘ on the keyboardHow to type closing quotation mark on keyboard  Alt + 39
How to type < on the keyboardHow to type less than sign on keyboard  <Alt + 60
How to type > on the keyboardHow to type greater than sign on keyboard  >Alt + 62
How to type ? on the keyboardHow to type question mark on keyboard  ?Alt + 63
How to type ~ on the keyboardHow to type tilde on keyboard  ~Alt + 126
How to type ` on the keyboardHow to type backtick on keyboard  `Alt + 96
How to type € on the keyboardHow to type euro sign on keyboard  Alt + 0128
How to type £ on the keyboardHow to type pound sign on keyboard  £Alt + 0163
How to type ¥ on the keyboardHow to type yen sign on keyboard  ¥Alt + 0165
How to type ¢ on the keyboardHow to type cent sign on keyboard  ¢Alt + 0162
How to type § on the keyboardHow to type section sign on keyboard  §Alt + 0167
How to type © on the keyboardHow to type copyright sign on keyboard  ©Alt + 0169
How to type ® on the keyboardHow to type registered trademark sign on keyboard  ®Alt + 0174
How to type ± on the keyboardHow to type plus-minus sign on keyboard  ±Alt + 0177
How to type µ on the keyboardHow to type micro sign on keyboard  µAlt + 0181
How to type ÷ on the keyboardHow to type division sign on keyboard  ÷Alt + 0247
How to type × on the keyboardHow to type multiplication sign on keyboard  ×Alt + 0215
How to type ° on the keyboardHow to type degree sign on keyboard  °Alt + 0176
How to type ¶ on the keyboardHow to type pilcrow sign on keyboard  Alt + 0182
How to type ß on the keyboardHow to type sharp S (German) on keyboard  ßAlt + 0223
How to type ² on the keyboardHow to type squared two on keyboard  ²Alt + 0178
How to type ³ on the keyboardHow to type cubed three on keyboard  ³Alt + 0179
How to type ¼ on the keyboardHow to type one quarter on keyboard  ¼Alt + 0188
How to type ½ on the keyboardHow to type one half on keyboard  ½Alt + 0189
How to type ¾ on the keyboardHow to type three quarters on keyboard  ¾Alt + 0190
How to type Æ on the keyboardHow to type ligature Æ on keyboard  ÆAlt + 0198
How to type æ on the keyboardHow to type ligature æ on keyboard  æAlt + 0230
How to type Ø on the keyboardHow to type diameter sign Ø on keyboard  ØAlt + 0216
How to type ø on the keyboardHow to type small diameter sign ø on keyboard  øAlt + 0248
How to type Ð on the keyboardHow to type Icelandic Ð on keyboard  ÐAlt + 0208
How to type ð on the keyboardHow to type small Icelandic ð on keyboard  ðAlt + 0240
How to type Þ on the keyboardHow to type thorn on keyboard  ÞAlt + 0222
How to type þ on the keyboardHow to type small thorn on keyboard  þAlt + 0254
How to type ¿ on the keyboardHow to type inverted question mark on keyboard  ¿Alt + 0191
How to type ¡ on the keyboardHow to type inverted exclamation mark on keyboard  ¡Alt + 0161
How to type ¤ on the keyboardHow to type currency sign on keyboard  ¤Alt + 0164
How to type ¦ on the keyboardHow to type broken bar on keyboard  ¦Alt + 0166
How to type « on the keyboardHow to type left-pointing double angle quotation mark on keyboard  «Alt + 0171
How to type » on the keyboardHow to type right-pointing double angle quotation mark on keyboard»Alt + 0187